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Shri Pulak Chakravorty.


Samaj Vikas Samvad,



BJP and its parent body RSS is now in its ideological mode.

As their socio-economic agenda being plowed the Indian soil;

by putting the yoke in two self-contradictory ideologies of RELIGION and CAPITALISM together,

struggling to move forward. So they wish to survive by using its old rotten fertilizer of Hindutva ideology.

As much as a failure of so-called inclusive neo-liberal economic policy cropping up,

so much so democratic rights of the common people are getting squeezed besides misinterpretation of history,

manufacturing fake news, induction of Saffron worn so-called spiritual leaders in Government and all-out campaign of illusionary science,

Yoga and spirituality to misguide the common people as the solution to their pains, misery, hardship, and sorrow.

The passion of power with all-out capitalists’ support dare them to unleash an attack on the vanguard of the common people i.e.

Communists, the minorities, Dalit, peasantry, and working-class,

besides steadily weakening of every constitutional body from parliament to the judiciary to RBI.




spirituality and Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) to achieve Bliss for the common.

The bunch of white and saffron-clad so-called gurus has been brought to the limelight as their ideological spokesperson to preach Yoga,

spirituality and Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) to achieve Bliss for the common people.

One of these white-clad ideologue Sadguru now in the media glare,

recently wrote an article in Indian Express dated 11th July 2018, besides all his articulated lectures in TV shows,

is that  “Today, modern science has established that the whole of existence is one energy.

Now it is a dry DRY scientific fact which does not change your life.

But the spiritual process enhances your perception to make this fact a living experience.




care for what is around you care for yourself is only natural”.

Yoga means union. Union means that the boundaries of the individual self dissolve and you experience existence as yourself.

Once this is a living experience, to care for what is around you care for yourself is only natural”.

It is hard to believe one can be so foolish to preach such greatest scientific discovery,

the humankind achieved in unfolding the mystery of nature as a dry scientific achievement with no relevance to life?

The other way rejected the whole scientific achievements started from Roentgen with his invention of x-Ray to Max Plank,

the father of quantum theory to Rutherford to Marie Curie to Bohr to our own Sattyen Bose to Fermi and Otto Hahn to Albert Einstein.

As we all know that it not only open the gate of the new generation of science but also revolutionized every sphere of human life,

starting from clean electricity to food, agriculture, medicine, industry, transport, water research and so on and on and on,

Which the ignorant Guru terms as DRY FACT.




Mr. Sadguru comprehensively expressed is the lesson of Non-Duelist (Advaitabad) Vedanta,

What Mr. Sadguru comprehensively expressed is the lesson of Non-Duelist (Advaitabad) Vedanta,

the ideological base of Hindu Sanatan dharma which was discovered by our great ancestor’s thousands year back.

It taught the oneness of Jagat and Brhamha i.e. oneness of the infinite universe and one can realize this through spiritual development of SELF (consciousness);

which leads in dissolving of self itself within supreme consciousness.

The practical path to achieve this is what it called YOGA.

Yoga means union (yoga) and it means that the boundaries of the individual self (AHAM BRHMHA) dissolve within the supreme self (PARAM BRHMHA).

Now, one should understand Vedanta and its objective.

Vedanta literary means the end of Veda i.e. end of acquiring knowledge, as Veda means To Know.




According to Vedanta JAGAT is MAYA (illusion) and the truth is BRAHMA.

It was a journey to know the surroundings i.e. the natural world,

started thousands of years back when humanity struggling for the survival of its existence.

It was the journey of knowledge through struggle and appeasement of the regressive natural forces symbolically represented by God and Goddess (33 crores of them) to Dualism

i.e. Physical World (Jagat) and Spiritual world (Brhamha) to Non-Dualism (Advaitabad) i.e. one transformational single entity of Jagat and Brahma.

According to Vedanta JAGAT is MAYA (illusion) and the truth is BRAHMA.

It says Physical Universe is nothing but ever transformational feature of the infinite and immortal Spiritual entity i.e. Bramham.




Cessation of sorrow and achieving Bliss

So everything is nothing but Bramham. It says that human being is also nothing but the same transformational entity,

through millions of rebirth from species to animals to human beings.

The human being is the best of all other living entity as it has the capacity to achieve the Bliss;

to dissolve itself within the supreme spiritual entity and thus one may get rid of all the pains,

hardships, and sorrow of Life cycles. So the objective of Vedanta as it says, “Cessation of sorrow and achieving Bliss”.

They call it as Moksha, the final objective of a human being. Thus what started with the objective of Veda i.e.


achieving Immortality by dissolving self within immortal Param Brahma.




Vedanta is fundamentally the philosophy of escaping from Life.

So, this Vedanta is fundamentally the philosophy of escaping from Life.

Now how to achieve this Bliss or Moksha? Vedanta says it is a journey through renunciations.

It says NA KAMIYATO, means No No No no no…….negations.

A journey from Body to Mind, Mind to Intellect, Intellect to Consciousness (SELF, Atma), and beyond…..

It is the negation of oneself from society and family to start with.

Then negation of the Body, then the negation of Mind,

then the negation of intellect, and subsequently negation of consciousness (self) and beyond that, is the dissolution of self (ATMA) in PARAMATMA.

There is no further knowledge beyond this. This is the lesson of Vedanta.

So Vedanta is the philosophy of MOKSHA, of the SELF by the SELF and for the SELF only,

with the objective to get rid of pains and sorrows of LIFE. NA KAMIYATO to life, human life, social life.

the greatest exponent of Vedanta, Swami Vivekananda himself admitted even after thousands of years.

That is what these Gurus are trying to pursue the common people as their way to salvation.

while their luxurious life itself negates the ideology they preach.

Can this be socially practiced? The greatest exponent of Vedanta,

Swami Vivekananda himself admitted even after thousands of years,


“The faith in oneself, which is the basis of Vedanta has not yet been slightly carried into practice”.

With regard to its application in human society at large,

it got no relevance due to its absolute individualistic (self) nature and

remain within the small community of Brahmin as the authority of acquiring knowledge

i.e. JANO (practicing Veda) and for the rest of the society to follow i.e. MANO.

Thus Veda became the ideology and Brahmin became the ruler.

They constitutionalized the division of labor for the society in Barnasram i.e. Sram (labor) according to Barna.




Vedantic ideology compatible to rule the society.

With the progress in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry in due course of time,

the kshatriyas came up as the ruler and made the Vedic knowledge i.e.

Vedantic ideology compatible to rule the society as per their convenience and modified Vendita, compromising and compensating the Brahmin class,

as it was done in 1947 by Sardar Vallav Bhai Patel by compromising and compensating with the privy purse to 560 Kings;

for the accession of the princely states with India as the mark of ending of the Kshatriya rule to facilitate the Capitalist (Vaisya) rule in India.




Vedantic philosophy was modified in a socially compatible way to facilitate the rule of Khatryia.

So the Vedantic philosophy was modified in a socially compatible way to facilitate the rule of Khatryia.

Thus the Brahmin being the priestly class and Khatryia being the princely class,

became the ruler of the society and GITA became their ideological base.

GITA combine the ‘Dharma-based social life, enlightenment–based renunciation and devotion-based theism.

It made the Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Jyan Yoga in progressive order to attain Moksha for the common people.

Karma Yoga is the first stage of Renunciation (Na Kamiyoti) i.e. Niskam Karma or desires less work.

One has to renounce desire from its work i.e. work for others or society not for self.




Ramakrishna explained the massage of GITA in the simplest way.

Next is Bhakti yoga i.e. once renounced self from desire, surrender Self to personal God with absolute Shradhha.

Then comes Jyan Yoga. Once devotion to God is absolute the door of enlightenment

( Jyan ) will open which will lead one to dissolve one’s SELF to attain Moksha.

So desire less work or social service is the key to achieve the cessation of the sorrow of life and attain bliss, i.e. Moksha.

Ramakrishna explained the massage of GITA in the simplest way.

He said if GITA is continuously pronounced, the word GITA, GITA,

GITA becomes TA-“Y”-GI, TA-“Y”-GI, TA-“Y”-GI, and that TAGI means who Renounce everything for God.

Now the big question is, can this holy (spiritual!) suicidal act of THE LIFE be the objective of humanity?

Can this ideology be the ideology of modern humanity?

Does it really worth to be countered by the modern scientific ideology of MARXISM,

which in contrast showed the way to achieve social bliss through the enrichment of physical spirited life?

‘To Be or Not to Be’, that is no longer the question, How to be that is the question????



Vedantic_philosophy, spirituality, Sanatana_Dharma, Hinduism,

Brahmin, Swami Vivekananda,

Samvad Vikas Ki, Samvad Samaj Ki, Samvad Vikas Ka, Samvad Bharat Vikas

Society News, News Of Development, Development News,

Indian society News, Amazing Amazon News, Samaj Vikas Samvad,

Global SamvadAmazon Prime News,

व्यापार संवाद, आयुर्वेद संवाद, गैजेट्स संवाद, समाज विकास संवाद


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